Light and Fresh Homemade Popsicles

2:35 PM

I hope everyone is having a fantastic summer! I recently tried these homemade popsicles. They are so light and refreshing and perfect for the summertime!

What you will need is popsicle molds, your choice of juice or liquid, and your choice of fruit.

I searched Target, Walmart, and my local grocery stores and couldn't find popsicle molds anywhere. By chance, I found a set at Cost Plus World Market.

For the juice, I chose raspberry lemonade, but you can choose another flavor to go with your fruit.
For my fruit, I chose strawberries and kiwi, but again, you can chose other fruit that you like.

Begin by slicing your fruit so they can fit in your mold. Next, put them in your popsicle mold and add your juice.

Pop your popsicles in the freezer overnight and get ready to enjoy!
Hope you love your homemade popsicles as much as I did!

~xoxo Isabella

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