How To Make a Chocolate Kiss Tree

6:14 PM

     Christmas is almost here! That mean it's time to pull out our last minute and easy DIY's. Today I am showing how to make a candy tree. It is SO easy! This is great for gifts, such as a white elephant gift exchange, or as a decoration to your room.

 What you will need:

your candy (I used chocolate kisses)

a styrofoam cone

a glue gun

 Start at the bottom of your styrofoam cone and glue your candy around the base.  Continue going in circles until you reach the top. It is that easy. It's pretty cute and really yummy!

Additional ideas & tips: 1. Once I was finished gluing I put it into the freezer for about 5 minutes to stop it from melting. 2.You can take a yellow piece of paper and cut out a star and glue it to a tooth pick to poke it to the top as a star to a tree. 3. You can also tape a gift card to the star to make it as a gift. 4. Feel free to use other kinds of wrapped candies.

I used this as a white elephant gift and the one that received it loved it! The part that they loved most is that they could take the chocolates off to eat.

Enjoy! Good luck! & have fun crafting! ~Isabella

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